A year of fundraising
This year's Captain's charity has been the Motor Neurone Disease Association, or MNDA. There have been a number of events, and you will all have seen the MNDA pink elephant on the bar in the club.
The elephant made a daily appearance at the club tour in Bournemouth in June this year, and a bottle of Famous Grouse was auctioned off to up the total raised in donations and 'fines'.
Our first coffee morning, creatively called 'Drink tea for MND' raised £429 during its 2 hours in August.
Coffee and Cakes in November
Pleased with the success of the last event, the organisers arranged another one, which took place a few weeks ago.
It was another successful morning, with a good time had by all. The cakes were delicious, and the raffle went well
£354.63 was raised on the day.
A donation of £30 was received from the Bell quiz night.
The MNDA elephant that was on the bar contained £26, so added to the proceeds from the November coffee morning, the total raised was £410.63.
Total raised this year
Over the season the club had already collected £710.70, so the grand total for the year is £1,121.63, a fantastic achievement.
Terry and Wendy rounded up the total to £1,150, before sending off to the MNDA.
Thanks to all who donated both time and money to a cause we all support.
Well done everyone. It’s a great total to raise in a season. Thanks particularly from Terry and Wendy.