4 Dimensions Competition v Burnham-on-Sea 5th May 2023
A good win for Banwell, winning on 3 out of the 4 rinks
Singles. M.Turnbull lost by 3 shots to 21
Pairs. L.Pheasant and P. Aldus won by 22 shots to 5
Triples. T.Burnett, M.Laycock and A.Shattock won by 21 shots to 14
Fours. G.Bean,P.Wilfan, C.Coffin and P.Villis won by 21 shots to 18
North Somerset League 13th May 2023
The 'A' team were playing away and the 'B' team were playing at home
I have the "B' team results, but the 'A' team's cards are still floating about somewhere.
No doubt they will surface sometime!
So here is the 'B' team result in the match v Portishead RBL
Rink 1. M Nickson, M.Kirby, J.Amos and M.Laycock Lost 11 shots to 20
Rink 2. P.Wilfan, A.Cockayne, K.Wheeler and H.Clarke Won 16 shots to 15
Rink 3 L.Bean, J.Rickerty,G.Bean and A.Vickery Won 27 shots to 14
Result: Banwell 54 shots (10 points) - Portishead RBL 49 shots ( 2 Points)