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Match report, week beginning 27th May

The umbrella competition, 20th May

The umbrella finally got under way after last week's wash out, with 22 players in all. There were wins for skips Trevor Garfield, Wendy Coleman and John Rickerty. The match was played on a glorious evening, in complete contrast to the previous week's weather.

NSML away to West Backwell, 21st May.

It was a tight loss for Skip Wayne Butcher - 21-19. You may catch the highlights on ITV as they were filming for Bowls England. Harold Clarke won both his games but unfortunately the other lost both theirs. Anyway, moving on.......

Over 55's away to Ashcombe Templars, 23rd May. 

Ashcombe Templars were our latest opponents in the over 55's. We rather put them to the sword with a massive win of 164 to 81 shots, winning on four rinks with three of those rinks  scoring over thirty shots. The rink of the day was J Wright and his team by winning 41 shots to 7, but alas he messed up his score card by generously giving his opponents an extra two shots.

My thanks go to David Williams for stepping in at the last minute; we hope that his injured shoulder will soon get better. So, thanks to all who played because we all contributed to a good victory of 16 points to Banwell, 4 points to Ashcombe. 

Allan Shattock, over 55s captain . 

NSBA Knockout Cup, 24th May.

We were punching above our weight as we pulled over a fine win. The game was tied 81-81, when Alan Shattock's rink won the extra end to put us through to the next round.

There were wins for skips Phil Villis, Chris Wilson, and Barry Taylor. Thanks Terry Coleman for stepping in at short notice, and winning his rink to boot.

Men vs Ladies, 25th May.

The annual match was played over two rinks, with 1 shot in favour of the men going into the final end on rink 2. Well done to Wendy and her team.

On Angela B's rink, the ladies were in the lead for most of the match, in spite of efforts to catch up by Trevor and the team. After the men secured 3 on the penultimate end, Ang B raised the roof on the final shot of the match by knocking out Mike B's shot wood to add another 3 to the ladies' total. Final score was 24- 16.

The men couldn't match the ladies this year, and lost 37-30.

After last year's narrow win by the men, it was good to see the ladies back on top!

Mike Nickson, vice captain

And, in other news..

There are a few announcements this week, which you may have already seen on emails:

  • Mike Nickson says at our committee meeting on Friday it was noted in the green report that due to the high levels of rain this year the green is particularly vulnerable to damage. In particular, the use of pushers contributes to this as they are sometimes pushed excessively hard into the ground due to the fact that they do not run very freely. It was agreed that we should trial the non-use of pushers, which we did at our last (rain battered) match on Saturday, until 15th July, when hopefully the green will be firmer. Mike is keen to hear your feedback on this idea, as he understands the pain of "kicking", for want of a better word, the woods back beyond the mat. Please make sure that everyone helps in this and it is not left to one or two people. We will discuss this at our next AGM, with a view to either stopping the use of pushers entirely (they are also a safety issue when parked on the path in front of the clubhouse) or having a fixed date when pushers will be allowed on the green for each new season.

  • A message from Mal: Please note that if you use the bar after casual roll ups or Club Competitions firstly enter payment in the Bar Trust Book. Under no circumstances Leave Money In The Till. Secondly, do not leave dirty glasses on the bar (wash them up) and put all bottles etc in the containers under the bar.

  • Trevor says would ALL our Umbrella players please note the Bar Duty list on the opposite wall to the matches lists. IT IS IMPERATIVE that you note the date of your duty AND if not available on that day you MUST swap with someone else. It is YOUR responsibility to  make the swap and update this list. Also, a gentle reminder to all that the clubhouse cleaning rota is on the same wall as the bar rota. Please, again, check your dates and swap with another party if you are unavailable.

  • Finally, TO ALL UMBRELLA PLAYERS There is now a change to the Bar Duties for those on the rota. Mal and Chris have very kindly decided to take on the major part of the bar duties on a Monday evening during the umbrella. I am sure you will all join with me in saying a BIG thank you for doing so. The tasks they will carry out are the serving during the evening and the opening and closing of the bar and cashing up and all things money related. HOWEVER those detailed for bar duty are still required during the evening to complete the remaining duties required. These duties in summary are:-

  1. --Collecting any glasses left outside the clubhouse. Clearing the tables of glasses, bottles, cans, crisp packets etc, etc.

  2. -WASHING UP and Drying the glasses and putting away (without getting in the way!)

  3. Ensuring ALL of the outbuildings ( Mens, Ladies, Visitors changing rooms, shed and equipment shed etc) are securely locked.

  4. All lights turned off, nothing left outside and clubhouse etc is tidy.

  5. Locking the clubhouse securely and placing the keys in the safe.

  6. Locking the car park gate as the last to leave.   It is recommended that both of you on the rota leave and lock up together for safety reasons.



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